16 research outputs found

    The Development of Codas in Catalan

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    This paper focuses on the development of syllable-final consonants in Catalan. Developmental data by four Catalan-speaking children (Serra-Sol茅 corpus in CHILDES) has revealed that codas appear with the very first word productions. The role of the following factors in the development of coda acquisition has been systematically analyzed: within-word position, stress, morphological import and segmental composition. The paper presents empirical evidence in favor of the privileged status of metrically prominent syllables (or heads and edges of feet) in licensing coda consonants in Catalan: it is clear that stressed syllables make their coda available before unstressed syllables, independently of within-word position or morphological import. Similarly, word-final positions are privileged and codas in word-final position are acquired earlier than those in wordmedial position. Our results also contribute to the discussion about the potential facilitating effect of morphology in phonological acquisition. While Freitas, Miguel & Hub Faria (2001) find evidence for an early emergence of plural markers (expressed as word-final coda fricative [-蕛]) in European Portuguese, Lle贸 (2003) reports late acquisition of plural markers (word-final coda fricative [-s]) in Spanish. The Catalan data, like the Spanish data, show that morphological codas are acquired relatively late

    Sign language interpreting on TV: a reception study of visual screen exploration in deaf signing users

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    We studied how sign language users responded to a screen composition including a larger screen for the content and a smaller screen for the sign language interpreter. 32 deaf users participated in this experiment, watching four similar clips with four different screen compositions. We registered the pattern of screen exploration with Eye Tracker, and we assessed content recall with two questionnaires. Our results show that sign language users mainly look at the sign language interpreter screen. Participants tend to look more often and for longer time at the SLI side closer to the main screen. Results are interpreted in terms of perceptual strategies developed by Sign Language users.Hem estudiat com els usuaris de llengua de signes (LS) exploren una composici贸 de pantalla formada per una pantalla gran per al contingut i una de petita per a l鈥橧LS. 32 usuaris sords han vist quatre clips similars amb quatre composicions de pantalla diferents. Hem registrat l鈥檈xploraci贸 de pantalla amb Eye Tracker i avaluat el record amb dos q眉estionaris. Els resultats mostren que els usuaris miren principalment la pantalla de l鈥橧LS i tendeixen a mirar m茅s sovint i m茅s estona el costat de l鈥橧LS m茅s proper a la pantalla principal. Els resultats s鈥檌nterpreten en termes d鈥檈strat猫gies perceptives desenvolupades pels usuaris de LS.All authors are TransMedia Catalonia members (2017SGR113, 2017). This research has been conducted in the Department of Translation and Interpretation in the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) within the PhD program in Translation and Intercultural Studies. This research has been partially funded by the H2020 projects ImAc grant no. 761974 and EasyTV grant no. 761999

    Procesos de lexicalizaci贸n en la LSC: Procedimientos de combinaci贸n

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    En este trabajo se describen los diferentes procedimientos formales de combinaci贸n para la creaci贸n l茅xica en la lengua de signos catalana (LSC), as铆 como el papel fundamental de la met谩fora y la metonimia conceptuales en su motivaci贸n original. Para ello se caracterizan los distintos procesos de lexicalizaci贸n formal y sem谩ntica dentro de un continuo de agrupaciones l茅xicas fijas: colocaciones, compuestos sintagm谩ticos, locuciones y compuestos l茅xicos

    Processos de lexicalitzaci贸 en llengua de signes catalana de denominacions de l'脿mbit del moviment associatiu sordsignant

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    Summary: This contribution aims to analyse the types of word formation processes for signs denominating Catalan Deaf organisations in Catalan Sign Language. First, a corpus has been created from video-signed texts by identifying and extracting terms of the associate-member organisations. Second, a terminological data file template has been designed using common standard criteria to feed a terminological database. Following the group鈥檚 previous work (Jarque, Bosch-Baliarda, & Codorniu, 2019), 4 types of lexicalisation processes have been analysed: formal (e.g. compounding, blending), functional (e.g lexicalisation, zero derivation), borrowing (e.g loanwords, mouthings) and semantic (e.g semantic change, extension). The cognitive mechanisms involved (conceptual metaphor and metonymy) are also described. The analysis is framed within the construction-based theoretical models and points out the need to establish new complex non-linear models to explain the multiple processes involved. Keywords: Catalan Sign Language, compounding, construction, constructional approach, lexical creation, multi-word unit, word-formation process, signing deaf communit


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    En este trabajo se describen los diferentes procedimientos formales de combinaci贸n para la creaci贸n l茅xica en la lengua de signos catalana (LSC), as铆 como el papel fundamental de la met谩fora y la metonimia conceptuales en su motivaci贸n original. Para ello se caracterizan los distintos procesos de lexicalizaci贸n formal y sem谩ntica dentro de un continuo de agrupaciones l茅xicas fijas: colocaciones, compuestos sintagm谩ticos, locuciones y compuestos l茅xicos.This paper examines Catalan Sign Language (LSC) multiword units in word-formation, along聽with the central role of conceptual metaphor and metonymy in its original motivation. The聽different multiword units form a continuum which can be characterized both semantically and聽formally in their lexicalization process: collocations, phrasal compounds, idioms and lexical聽compounds

    Reception of sign-interpreted TV contents : The impact of formal parameters on media accessibility

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    La interpretaci贸 en llengua de signes (ILS) 茅s un dels principals serveis d'accessibilitat als mitjans audiovisuals, juntament amb l'脿udiodescripci贸 i la subtitulaci贸. Tot i la seva rellev脿ncia, la recerca en aquest camp 茅s incipient. Actualment, les organitzacions de radiotelevisi贸 que ofereixen aquests serveis no compten encara amb guies de bones pr脿ctiques basades en resultats emp铆rics. Aquesta tesi t茅 com a finalitat cobrir parcialment aquest buit de coneixement a partir de l'estudi dels par脿metres formals que afecten la llegibilitat de la ILS i la lectura dels diferents elements visuals de la composici贸 de la pantalla televisiva. El marc conceptual d'aquesta recerca conjumina dos models complementaris sobre els drets dels usuaris de la LS: (1) el model inclusiu d'accessibilitat i (2) el doble estatus social d'aquest grup, com a persones amb una discapacitat sensorial i com a membres d'una comunitat ling眉铆stica minorit脿ria. Aquesta tesi t茅 dos objectius: d'una banda, (1) identificar els par脿metres formals d'inserci贸 de la ILS i els seus efectes en l'accessibilitat als contingut televisats. De l'altra, (2) estudiar la recepci贸 i el processament d'un documental interpretat a la LS emprant diferents dissenys. La investigaci贸 implementa m猫todes mixtos seguint un disseny exploratori seq眉encial que integra tres etapes: (1) un estudi inicial qualitatiu, (2) una etapa interm猫dia de desenvolupament de l'instrument de mesura psicom猫trica i (3) una etapa final amb l'estudi preeminent de naturalesa quantitativa. La primera fase es va dissenyar amb l'objectiu de recollir dades qualitatives de dos dels principals grups d'inter猫s del servei d'ILS a la TV: (1) les int猫rprets professionals i (2) els sords signants com a principals usuaris dels serveis d'accessibilitat. Els resultats d'aquesta primera fase de recerca suggereixen que la velocitat i la mida de la int猫rpret a la pantalla s贸n els par脿metres formals m茅s importants pel que fa a la llegibilitat, mentre que la posici贸 pot ser un dels par脿metres que condicionen la lectura dels diferents elements visuals de la pantalla. Aquests resultats varen constituir la base per al desenvolupament de les fases posteriors de recerca. L'etapa interm猫dia tenia com a objectiu desenvolupar una eina de recollida de dades que pogu茅s implementar un q眉estionari accessible en LS i que constitu铆s un instrument v脿lid i fiable per avaluar el record visual d'informaci贸 en LS. L'etapa quantitativa final va incloure dos estudis experimentals: (1) la captura dels moviments oculars per estudiar els patrons de distribuci贸 de l'atenci贸 visual dels signants sords a la pantalla de TV amb ILS incrustada i (2) les proves de record mitjan莽ant q眉estionaris de mem貌ria per mesurar l'accessibilitat del contingut. A partir d'aquestes proves quantitatives de recepci贸, es pot concloure que, a l'hora de produir continguts audiovisuals accessibles que inclouen una finestra per a la ILS en un format televisiu de pantalla dividida, la mida en combinaci贸 amb la posici贸 a la pantalla s贸n factors importants a tenir en compte. Els resultats mostren que el format de pantalla 貌ptim per a l'accessibilitat als contingut audiovisuals s'obt茅 mitjan莽ant la combinaci贸 d'una finestra de mida mitjana per a la ILS a l'esquerra de la pantalla. Tot i que la visualitzaci贸 de continguts televisius en LS 茅s una tasca complexa que requereix atenci贸 dividida, els resultats d'aquesta tesi mostren que implementar els par脿metres 貌ptims pot tenir un impacte positiu en la llegibilitat i la lectura dels continguts i, en definitiva, sobre la usabilitat i l'accessibilitat global. Aquesta tesi constitueix un primer pas cap a la realitzaci贸 de futurs tests de recepci贸 de la LS dins del camp de l'accessibilitat als mitjans i la traducci贸 audiovisual.La interpretaci贸n en lengua de signos (ILS) es uno de los principales servicios de accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales, junto con la subtitulaci贸n y la audiodescripci贸n. Pese a su relevancia, la investigaci贸n de los servicios en lengua de signos (LS) en el campo de la accesibilidad a los medios es incipiente. Actualmente, las radiotelevisiones que ofrecen este servicio no cuentan a煤n con gu铆as de buenas pr谩cticas basadas en resultados emp铆ricos. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como finalidad cubrir parcialmente este vac铆o de conocimiento a partir del estudio de los par谩metros formales que afectan a la legibilidad de la ILS y la lectura de los diferentes elementos visuales en pantalla televisiva. El marco conceptual de esta investigaci贸n combina dos modelos complementarios sobre los derechos de los sordos signantes: (1) el modelo inclusivo de accesibilidad y (2) el doble estatus social de este grupo, como personas con una discapacidad sensorial y como miembros de una comunidad ling眉铆stica minoritaria. Esta tesis tiene dos objetivos: por un lado, (1) identificar los par谩metros formales de inserci贸n de la ILS y sus efectos en la accesibilidad a contenidos televisados; por otro, (2) estudiar la recepci贸n y el procesamiento de un documental con inserci贸n de la ILS empleando diferentes dise帽os de pantalla. La investigaci贸n implementa m茅todos mixtos siguiendo un dise帽o exploratorio secuencial que integra tres fases: (1) un estudio inicial cualitativo, (2) una fase intermedia de desarrollo del instrumento de medida y (3) la ulterior fase principal cuantitativa con el estudio de recepci贸n. La fase cualitativa fue dise帽ada para recoger datos exploratorios de los principales grupos de inter茅s del servicio de ILS en la TV: (1) las int茅rpretes profesionales y (2) los sordos usuarios de la LS, como principales usuarios del servicio de accesibilidad. Los resultados sugieren que los par谩metros formales m谩s importantes en cuanto a legibilidad son la velocidad y el tama帽o de la int茅rprete, mientras que la posici贸n puede ser uno de los par谩metros que condicionan la lectura de los diferentes elementos visuales de la pantalla. Estos resultados constituyeron la base para el desarrollo de las fases posteriores de investigaci贸n. La fase intermedia ten铆a como objetivo desarrollar una herramienta de recogida de datos que pudiera implementar un cuestionario accesible en LS y que constituyera un instrumento v谩lido y fiable para evaluar el recuerdo visual de informaci贸n en LS. La fase cuantitativa final incluy贸 dos estudios experimentales (1) la captaci贸n de los movimientos oculares para estudiar los patrones de exploraci贸n y distribuci贸n de la atenci贸n visual en la pantalla de TV con ILS y (2) las pruebas de memoria mediante cuestionarios de recuerdo visual y ling眉铆stico del contenido. A partir de estas pruebas cuantitativas de recepci贸n, se puede concluir que a la hora de producir contenidos audiovisuales accesibles que incluyen una ventana para la ILS en un formato televisivo de pantalla dividida, el tama帽o en combinaci贸n con la posici贸n en la pantalla son dos factores importantes a tener en cuenta. Los resultados muestran que el formato de pantalla 贸ptimo para la accesibilidad se obtienen mediante la combinaci贸n de una ventana para la ILS de tama帽o medio (1/4 del ancho de pantalla) a la izquierda de la pantalla. Aunque la visualizaci贸n de contenidos televisivos en LS es una tarea compleja que requiere atenci贸n dividida, los resultados de esta tesis muestran que implementar los par谩metros 贸ptimos tiene un impacto positivo en la legibilidad y la lectura de los contenidos y, en definitiva, sobre la usabilidad y la accesibilidad. Esta tesis constituye un primer paso hacia la realizaci贸n de futuros tests de recepci贸n de la LS dentro del campo de la accesibilidad a los medios y la traducci贸n audiovisual.Sign language interpreting (SLI) is the third major media accessibility service along with audio description and subtitling. Although SLI first appeared on TV nearly seventy years ago, the field of media accessibility on SLI still lacks critical investigation on tested te- chniques to produce guidelines that can constitute best practice for both broadcasters and stakeholders. This PhD thesis has the purpose of partially filling this knowledge gap by studying the formal parameters that affect legibility and readability of the sign langua- ge on the screen. It is framed within two complementary conceptual models regarding deaf sign language users' rights: (1) the inclusive model of accessibility and (2) the dual category status, where deaf signers are regarded as both persons with a disability and as members of a minority language group, namely a Sign Language Community. This dissertation is exploratory in nature and has two aims: (1) to identify the SLI on-screen parameters and their relevance to content accessibility and SLI service usability and (2) to explore the reception and processing of different split screen composites including sign-interpreted content -combining two variables- by deaf sign language service users in a documentary film. Within a mixed methods research approach, an ins- trument-development variant of an exploratory sequential design was implemented in order to meet the research aims. The research consisted of three steps: (1) an initial quali- tative phase; (2) an intermediate instrument development phase and (3) a final prioritised quantitative phase. First, the qualitative phase was designed to collect open-ended information from two stakeholder groups: one including semi-structured interviews with professional sign lan- guage interpreters working on TV, the other including focus groups with deaf sign lan- guage participants that were TV access service users. The results suggest that the speed rate and size of the interpreter on the screen were the most important formal parametersaffecting legibility while position may be related to screen readability. These findings provided informed choices to develop the next research phases. The intermediate phase aimed to develop a data collection tool that could implement an accessible and reliable questionnaire to assess information recall in sign language. The final quantitative phase aimed to gather close-ended information on both users' behaviour and performance. It included two experimental studies, the first using eye-tracking techniques to analyse deaf signers visual attention allocation patterns on sign-interpreted TV and the second using recall tests to analyse content accessibility. From the quantitative reception tests, it can be concluded that size in combination with on-screen position are two important factors to consider when producing AV works including signing in a TV split screen design. The results show that the most balanced information content recall scores are obtained using a mid-sized interpreter's window screen in a left position displaying the scene screen on the right. From this finding, it can be concluded that this split screen composite format encompasses the optimal combination of features for the size and position para- meters to access broadcast documentary contents. Although watching audiovisual contents with signing services is a complex task requiring divided attention, the results from the user tests show that implementing the optimal pa- rameters can have a positive impact on the SLI service legibility and readability and, ulti- mately, on service usability and content accessibility. This novel methodology combining users' opinions and measuring their psychological responses in a controlled reception test will hopefully constitute a first step towards conducting future research in the field of SLI in media accessibility and audiovisual translation studies

    Reception of sign-interpreted TV contents: The impact of formal parameters on media accessibility

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    La interpretaci贸 en llengua de signes (ILS) 茅s un dels principals serveis d鈥檃ccessibilitat als mitjans audiovisuals, juntament amb l鈥櫭爑diodescripci贸 i la subtitulaci贸. Tot i la seva rellev脿ncia, la recerca en aquest camp 茅s incipient. Actualment, les organitzacions de radiotelevisi贸 que ofereixen aquests serveis no compten encara amb guies de bones pr脿ctiques basades en resultats emp铆rics. Aquesta tesi t茅 com a finalitat cobrir parcialment aquest buit de coneixement a partir de l鈥檈studi dels par脿metres formals que afecten la llegibilitat de la ILS i la lectura dels diferents elements visuals de la composici贸 de la pantalla televisiva. El marc conceptual d鈥檃questa recerca conjumina dos models complementaris sobre els drets dels usuaris de la LS: (1) el model inclusiu d鈥檃ccessibilitat i (2) el doble estatus social d鈥檃quest grup, com a persones amb una discapacitat sensorial i com a membres d鈥檜na comunitat ling眉铆stica minorit脿ria. Aquesta tesi t茅 dos objectius: d鈥檜na banda, (1) identificar els par脿metres formals d鈥檌nserci贸 de la ILS i els seus efectes en l鈥檃ccessibilitat als contingut televisats. De l鈥檃ltra, (2) estudiar la recepci贸 i el processament d鈥檜n documental interpretat a la LS emprant diferents dissenys. La investigaci贸 implementa m猫todes mixtos seguint un disseny exploratori seq眉encial que integra tres etapes: (1) un estudi inicial qualitatiu, (2) una etapa interm猫dia de desenvolupament de l鈥檌nstrument de mesura psicom猫trica i (3) una etapa final amb l鈥檈studi preeminent de naturalesa quantitativa. La primera fase es va dissenyar amb l鈥檕bjectiu de recollir dades qualitatives de dos dels principals grups d鈥檌nter猫s del servei d鈥橧LS a la TV: (1) les int猫rprets professionals i (2) els sords signants com a principals usuaris dels serveis d鈥檃ccessibilitat. Els resultats d鈥檃questa primera fase de recerca suggereixen que la velocitat i la mida de la int猫rpret a la pantalla s贸n els par脿metres formals m茅s importants pel que fa a la llegibilitat, mentre que la posici贸 pot ser un dels par脿metres que condicionen la lectura dels diferents elements visuals de la pantalla. Aquests resultats varen constituir la base per al desenvolupament de les fases posteriors de recerca. L鈥檈tapa interm猫dia tenia com a objectiu desenvolupar una eina de recollida de dades que pogu茅s implementar un q眉estionari accessible en LS i que constitu铆s un instrument v脿lid i fiable per avaluar el record visual d鈥檌nformaci贸 en LS. L鈥檈tapa quantitativa final va incloure dos estudis experimentals: (1) la captura dels moviments oculars per estudiar els patrons de distribuci贸 de l鈥檃tenci贸 visual dels signants sords a la pantalla de TV amb ILS incrustada i (2) les proves de record mitjan莽ant q眉estionaris de mem貌ria per mesurar l鈥檃ccessibilitat del contingut. A partir d鈥檃questes proves quantitatives de recepci贸, es pot concloure que, a l鈥檋ora de produir continguts audiovisuals accessibles que inclouen una finestra per a la ILS en un format televisiu de pantalla dividida, la mida en combinaci贸 amb la posici贸 a la pantalla s贸n factors importants a tenir en compte. Els resultats mostren que el format de pantalla 貌ptim per a l鈥檃ccessibilitat als contingut audiovisuals s鈥檕bt茅 mitjan莽ant la combinaci贸 d鈥檜na finestra de mida mitjana per a la ILS a l鈥檈squerra de la pantalla. Tot i que la visualitzaci贸 de continguts televisius en LS 茅s una tasca complexa que requereix atenci贸 dividida, els resultats d鈥檃questa tesi mostren que implementar els par脿metres 貌ptims pot tenir un impacte positiu en la llegibilitat i la lectura dels continguts i, en definitiva, sobre la usabilitat i l鈥檃ccessibilitat global. Aquesta tesi constitueix un primer pas cap a la realitzaci贸 de futurs tests de recepci贸 de la LS dins del camp de l鈥檃ccessibilitat als mitjans i la traducci贸 audiovisual.La interpretaci贸n en lengua de signos (ILS) es uno de los principales servicios de accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales, junto con la subtitulaci贸n y la audiodescripci贸n. Pese a su relevancia, la investigaci贸n de los servicios en lengua de signos (LS) en el campo de la accesibilidad a los medios es incipiente. Actualmente, las radiotelevisiones que ofrecen este servicio no cuentan a煤n con gu铆as de buenas pr谩cticas basadas en resultados emp铆ricos. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como finalidad cubrir parcialmente este vac铆o de conocimiento a partir del estudio de los par谩metros formales que afectan a la legibilidad de la ILS y la lectura de los diferentes elementos visuales en pantalla televisiva. El marco conceptual de esta investigaci贸n combina dos modelos complementarios sobre los derechos de los sordos signantes: (1) el modelo inclusivo de accesibilidad y (2) el doble estatus social de este grupo, como personas con una discapacidad sensorial y como miembros de una comunidad ling眉铆stica minoritaria. Esta tesis tiene dos objetivos: por un lado, (1) identificar los par谩metros formales de inserci贸n de la ILS y sus efectos en la accesibilidad a contenidos televisados; por otro, (2) estudiar la recepci贸n y el procesamiento de un documental con inserci贸n de la ILS empleando diferentes dise帽os de pantalla. La investigaci贸n implementa m茅todos mixtos siguiendo un dise帽o exploratorio secuencial que integra tres fases: (1) un estudio inicial cualitativo, (2) una fase intermedia de desarrollo del instrumento de medida y (3) la ulterior fase principal cuantitativa con el estudio de recepci贸n. La fase cualitativa fue dise帽ada para recoger datos exploratorios de los principales grupos de inter茅s del servicio de ILS en la TV: (1) las int茅rpretes profesionales y (2) los sordos usuarios de la LS, como principales usuarios del servicio de accesibilidad. Los resultados sugieren que los par谩metros formales m谩s importantes en cuanto a legibilidad son la velocidad y el tama帽o de la int茅rprete, mientras que la posici贸n puede ser uno de los par谩metros que condicionan la lectura de los diferentes elementos visuales de la pantalla. Estos resultados constituyeron la base para el desarrollo de las fases posteriores de investigaci贸n. La fase intermedia ten铆a como objetivo desarrollar una herramienta de recogida de datos que pudiera implementar un cuestionario accesible en LS y que constituyera un instrumento v谩lido y fiable para evaluar el recuerdo visual de informaci贸n en LS. La fase cuantitativa final incluy贸 dos estudios experimentales (1) la captaci贸n de los movimientos oculares para estudiar los patrones de exploraci贸n y distribuci贸n de la atenci贸n visual en la pantalla de TV con ILS y (2) las pruebas de memoria mediante cuestionarios de recuerdo visual y ling眉铆stico del contenido. A partir de estas pruebas cuantitativas de recepci贸n, se puede concluir que a la hora de producir contenidos audiovisuales accesibles que incluyen una ventana para la ILS en un formato televisivo de pantalla dividida, el tama帽o en combinaci贸n con la posici贸n en la pantalla son dos factores importantes a tener en cuenta. Los resultados muestran que el formato de pantalla 贸ptimo para la accesibilidad se obtienen mediante la combinaci贸n de una ventana para la ILS de tama帽o medio (1/4 del ancho de pantalla) a la izquierda de la pantalla. Aunque la visualizaci贸n de contenidos televisivos en LS es una tarea compleja que requiere atenci贸n dividida, los resultados de esta tesis muestran que implementar los par谩metros 贸ptimos tiene un impacto positivo en la legibilidad y la lectura de los contenidos y, en definitiva, sobre la usabilidad y la accesibilidad. Esta tesis constituye un primer paso hacia la realizaci贸n de futuros tests de recepci贸n de la LS dentro del campo de la accesibilidad a los medios y la traducci贸n audiovisual.Sign language interpreting (SLI) is the third major media accessibility service along with audio description and subtitling. Although SLI first appeared on TV nearly seventy years ago, the field of media accessibility on SLI still lacks critical investigation on tested te- chniques to produce guidelines that can constitute best practice for both broadcasters and stakeholders. This PhD thesis has the purpose of partially filling this knowledge gap by studying the formal parameters that affect legibility and readability of the sign langua- ge on the screen. It is framed within two complementary conceptual models regarding deaf sign language users' rights: (1) the inclusive model of accessibility and (2) the dual category status, where deaf signers are regarded as both persons with a disability and as members of a minority language group, namely a Sign Language Community. This dissertation is exploratory in nature and has two aims: (1) to identify the SLI on-screen parameters and their relevance to content accessibility and SLI service usability and (2) to explore the reception and processing of different split screen composites including sign-interpreted content -combining two variables- by deaf sign language service users in a documentary film. Within a mixed methods research approach, an ins- trument-development variant of an exploratory sequential design was implemented in order to meet the research aims. The research consisted of three steps: (1) an initial quali- tative phase; (2) an intermediate instrument development phase and (3) a final prioritised quantitative phase. First, the qualitative phase was designed to collect open-ended information from two stakeholder groups: one including semi-structured interviews with professional sign lan- guage interpreters working on TV, the other including focus groups with deaf sign lan- guage participants that were TV access service users. The results suggest that the speed rate and size of the interpreter on the screen were the most important formal parametersaffecting legibility while position may be related to screen readability. These findings provided informed choices to develop the next research phases. The intermediate phase aimed to develop a data collection tool that could implement an accessible and reliable questionnaire to assess information recall in sign language. The final quantitative phase aimed to gather close-ended information on both users' behaviour and performance. It included two experimental studies, the first using eye-tracking techniques to analyse deaf signers visual attention allocation patterns on sign-interpreted TV and the second using recall tests to analyse content accessibility. From the quantitative reception tests, it can be concluded that size in combination with on-screen position are two important factors to consider when producing AV works including signing in a TV split screen design. The results show that the most balanced information content recall scores are obtained using a mid-sized interpreter's window screen in a left position displaying the scene screen on the right. From this finding, it can be concluded that this split screen composite format encompasses the optimal combination of features for the size and position para- meters to access broadcast documentary contents. Although watching audiovisual contents with signing services is a complex task requiring divided attention, the results from the user tests show that implementing the optimal pa- rameters can have a positive impact on the SLI service legibility and readability and, ulti- mately, on service usability and content accessibility. This novel methodology combining users' opinions and measuring their psychological responses in a controlled reception test will hopefully constitute a first step towards conducting future research in the field of SLI in media accessibility and audiovisual translation studies.Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Traducci贸 i Estudis Intercultural

    The Development of Codas in Catalan

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    This paper focuses on the development of syllable-final consonants in Catalan. Developmental data by four Catalan-speaking children (Serra-Sol茅 corpus in CHILDES) has revealed that codas appear with the very first word productions. The role of the following factors in the development of coda acquisition has been systematically analyzed: within-word position, stress, morphological import and segmental composition. The paper presents empirical evidence in favor of the privileged status of metrically prominent syllables (or heads and edges of feet) in licensing coda consonants in Catalan: it is clear that stressed syllables make their coda available before unstressed syllables, independently of within-word position or morphological import. Similarly, word-final positions are privileged and codas in word-final position are acquired earlier than those in wordmedial position. Our results also contribute to the discussion about the potential facilitating effect of morphology in phonological acquisition. While Freitas, Miguel & Hub Faria (2001) find evidence for an early emergence of plural markers (expressed as word-final coda fricative [-蕛]) in European Portuguese, Lle贸 (2003) reports late acquisition of plural markers (word-final coda fricative [-s]) in Spanish. The Catalan data, like the Spanish data, show that morphological codas are acquired relatively late

    Split screen exploration in sign language users : an eye-tracking study

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    In this research we applied eye-tracking measures to examine how sign-language users explore split TV screens. We used a sign-translated documentary where both visual and linguistic information is relevant. Four possible screen combinations (see Figure 1) resulted from combining Position of the SLI sub-screen (Left/Right) and Size (Small- 1/5 of the screen width; Medium- 1/4 of the screen width). Figure 1. Screen compositions, from left to right: Small/Right; Small/Left; Medium/Right; Medium/left. Participants were 28 deaf signers from 17 to 74 years old. The documentary "Joining the Dots" (Romero-Fresco, 2012) was translated into Catalan SL and edited into four clips displaying all four combinations. All participants watched all contents in different combinations using a Latin Square design while eye movements were recorded with Tobii Eye Tracker. We defined two areas of interest: SLI sub-screen and documentary sub-screen. After watching each clip, participants filled up two questionnaires to evaluate their recall of linguistic content (SL interpretation) and visual content (Documentary visual information). We analysed the effects of the factors: Size, Position and Area on the measures Fixation Count, Fixation Duration, and Total Visit Duration using a GLM with Repeated Measures. Area was the only factor showing significant effects: the SLI sub-screen was visited for longer time, with longer fixations, and more fixations. Position and size in this experiment were not relevant for Sign Language users, whose pattern of exploration consists mainly on focussing in SLI with shorter gazes to the general screen. We ran Paired Samples T-tests in order to check if there were differences between Linguistic and Visual recall for each screen configuration. Linguistic recall was better for configuration Small Size/Left position. Visual recall did not differ significantly from linguistic recall, even if users tended to make longer visits with longer fixation durations on the SLI sub-screen. Probably deaf sign-language users collect visual information parafoveally. This interpretation is based on some perceptual studies that point out that parafoveal vision is enhanced in sign language users (Dye, Seymour, Hauser, 2016; Siple, 1978). A tentative conclusion from our results is that sign-language users seem to adapt swiftly to different screen configurations. Further studies could test on other screen designs to favor usability and guide directions to content producer